Get Involved


How You Can Help
The purpose of the Scottish Rite Learning Center of Austin, Inc. is to provide effective instruction programs to Austin area children and teacher training to Central Texas educators. Many parents cannot afford expensive private tutoring and turn to the Scottish Rite for help.

Your support of this tax-exempt, charitable corporation is appreciated - and essential in extending our outreach to all the children of Austin.

SRLC recently purchased a building at 12871 N. US Hwy 183, Austin, TX 78750. Your generous support is needed for the building fund. Please consider a tax-deductable donation to the building fund and /or include a bequest in your will.

Each donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and fully directed to the Learning Center and its programs.

Your help in spreading the good word about the Learning Center's service - Students receive instruction in the Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia (Take Flight) curriculum, offered at no cost to the child's family - also is vital to the continued success of the dyslexia program.

We have many activities for volunteers who would like to donate the valuable gift of their time . One hour, or many--the service of volunteer time to our Learning Center is cherished. Please call 512 472-1231 for information or answers to your questions.

Sponsor a Therapist

With your help students receive instruction in the Take Flight: A Compresensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia (Take Flight) curriculum, with the sponsorship of an educator for the two year training program.

We treasure both your generosity and your concern.